Covid Reopening Guidelines for our Denver fencing club
All the precautions will be taken in regard to Denver city requirements and by the shared responsibility between us all in following these guidelines.
Fencing, unlike all other combat sports, is a non-contact combat sport with no skin contact during training but individuals do need to take extra care in keeping their distance and not touching others.
All Parents, Students and Coaches MUST strictly adhere to the guidelines outlined for the safety of others. These are mandatory conditions for returning to in-person classes, lessons or camps.
For In-person classes or lessons, and camps at Cheyenne fencing club Denver
As you come into class at our Denver fencing club please maintain social distance and wear face masks.
Bring all your own equipment and if you do not have your equipment please phone Elaine on 720 838 4225 to book equipment. Club equipment is disinfected constantly. If you touch club equipment you must wipe it down before and after use.
Please bring your own water and go to the bathroom at home before fencing class. Bathrooms are for emergency use only.
Every fencer should bring their own hand-sanitizer as an extra precaution. Fencers must use a hand-sanitizer and clean their hands prior to entering; the front door will be open. Fencers are asked to sanitize during breaks, per explicit instruction from the coach.
After each fencing class, machines and reals will be disinfected.
No shared objects during warm-ups, training or fencing.
No handshakes or other physical contact during fencing class between students or coaches. Instead of the customary handshake salute and touch your feet.
Individuals showing any signs of sickness will be sent home. The individual will be re-admitted only with a negative corona test, doctor’s approval note, or after 2 weeks of self isolation following the incident. Classes for the fencer will be available only via Zoom during this time. Parents MUST contact Elaine the next day to confirm the child’s health status.
If any member of a household travels outside of the Colorado, the family must let the club know and self-isolate the fencer for 2 weeks. Classes for the fencer will be available only via Zoom - our Online Fencing Classes during this time.
Full disclosure of possible illness from families, the coaches, and staff is required. It is a parental responsibility to disclose any signs of illness in fencers or family members to the office and move to Zoom classes immediately.
Fencers who may be at higher risk of severe illness such as children who may have asthma, diabetes, or other health problems must notify the office and take no risk participating in in-person training until restrictions are lifted.
Returning to Training – Code of Conduct
Do not breathe heavily next to someone close in proximity. Do not allow others to breath heavily close to you in proximity
Disinfect your fencing bag and handles often.
Disinfect your phones frequently.
Keep your belongings close by your bag.
Sanitize all equipment
Remind your kids about good hygiene etiquette
Normally fencers should take responsibility for cleaning their own equipment but during these times, please assist your child's cleaning their fencing equipment after each use.
Equipment such as masks and weapons must be wiped down with disinfectant, both inside and outside.
Give your kids a water bottle labeled with their name.
Communication with the club is encouraged to go through email or phone calls.
Parents must pick up their kids immediately after the class or private lesson.
Everyone should maintain a distance of 6 feet.
Do not hug, shake hands, high-five, or touch anyone.
Stay at home if you are coughing, sneezing or are displaying signs of symptoms of a respiratory infection.