Give yourself the edge for when fencing competitions resume.
This is an opportunity to not just practice your skills but master them too.
Here is the book written to help fencers practice and master the skills without a coach on hand. Ideal for keeping you in the game for with at home practice. Written mainly for epee fencing, Elaine knows about all types of fencing and refers to these in the book.
Sharpen your skills in the highly technical sport of fencing in nine challenging and fun steps. The book Fencing: Steps to Success covers all the essential skills of epee and foil forms of the sport.
The book is a perfect how-to guide for developing and collegiate fencers.
Each of the 9 steps you will take is an easy transition from the one before. The first few provide a solid foundation of basic skills and ideas. So sometimes it is worth revisiting your skills even in these foundational steps.
As you progress, you'll learn how to develop these skills and ideas to maneuver your opponent around the floor. As you near the final steps you'll become more confident in your ability to challenge higher level fencers or just have more fun.
....Because everyone agrees - winning in more fun.
Author and Olympic Fencer, Elaine Cheris shares her expertise with each progressive step as she explains the importance of a major skill, with sequential illustrations (as shown below) to show you how to perform the skill, and then a series of drills to refine and master the skill.
When Elaine was training for international competitions there was a period of time when she did not have access to her own coach so she devised these skills practices to make sure she was not disadvantaged. She spent hours just focussing on these skills and she succeeded. The rest is history. She is 3 time Olympian with a number of World Titles.
The book is available in hard copy and electronically.
Fulfillment of hardcopy order may be delayed a few days due to current Covid 19 crisis.
One of the most recognized fencing figures in the United States, author Elaine Cheris shares her expertise as both a fencer and instructor.
Examples of the sequential illustrations from the book